6 Ways To Deal With Job Anxiety And Stress

Byon September 04#business-tips
Anxiety and Stress

With any new job, there are challenges. It doesn’t matter if you’re working as a teacher, executive or in retail. It doesn’t matter if you love your job, or if you are only working to put food on the table. In any case, you are going to have some growing pains. Some are outside of your control, but you can get control of  things with the right mindset. 

A lot of your new job anxiety has to do with your own psychological interpretation of events. That is to say: you have control over your anxiety, even in trying situations. This is one reason you can often see martial artists being struck by others, while still refusing to react or respond. 

Even pain can be controlled psychologically. Granted, this is harder to control than emotional responses for most people.. But the idea is pretty powerful.No matter how stressful your new job is, you can manage your own anxiety. Here are six ways to effectively deal with your anxiety in positive ways.

1. Get Enough Rest Between Shifts

Like food, your body needs “rest” to recuperate. You are a biological machine, not a physical one. You can’t just “refuel”, then keep working until you need some component to be replaced. You can’t get your brakes realigned or a replacement liver. At least not easily. The bottom line is, you’ve got to get your sleep. On average, depending on your age, physical fitness, gender, and genes, you’ll need six to eight hours a night.

Some people only need a few hours of sleep at night, but they are genetic aberrations. They do exist, however, and you may be one of them - so keep that in mind. The point is that you need to get enough sleep on a regular basis to properly energize your body. Consider incorporating practices like self recording while sleeping to monitor your sleep patterns and make necessary adjustments.

If you come to work with too much sleep, you’ll be lethargic. If you come to work without enough, you’ll be low energy for the opposite reason. You’re looking for a balance overall.

2. Find Friends Among Your Colleagues

If you are properly energized  at your new job, your mind will be “firing on all cylinders,” as the saying goes. Your relationships help. But if you’re alone, some questions can still lead to anxiety. What makes sense is finding people you like and can trust to befriend. Even if that friendship is really just a glorified work relationship, you want to find those you can talk to at work. Finding people to talk to can help the day pass by more quickly. These relationships can also keep you engaged at work.

3. Learn “The Rules” as Intrinsically as You Can

You need to know what you can do and what you can’t, in line with your company’s policies. Accordingly, you’ve got to set your own boundaries. With most jobs, there will be certain “rules” you need to pay attention to. Learn what they are so you can construct your own mental boundaries. Then you’ll be less anxious because you’ll know where you stand.

Following the company rules can also help you get onto a set schedule. The more you can automate in your life the less you have to worry about. Getting into a set routine and knowing what you’re working on can help simplify your life. 

4. Explore Technological Solutions To Assuage Anxiety

There's a technological solution for your anxiety. Imagine a little halo you could wear around your head or neck which, through vibrational variation, simulates the effects of various stimulants or depressants. Instead of drinking a pot of coffee, you could just wear a little device called Hapbee, and you'll be perfectly alert. 

Essentially, Hapbee offers you different “blends” for energy, rest or relaxation. The company that has produced this technological marvel described as “a song only your body can hear.” If you’re in a new job environment and having trouble being energetic, this device can help.

If you are feeling anxious — or, “too energetic” — Hapbee can help. It offers relaxation features. Not to mention it provides the benefits of substances like caffeine with none of the negative physical side effects. It’s a win-win.

5. Consider Building Camaraderie Outside of the Workplace

Another wise move is to socialize with colleagues outside the workplace. Do be careful, however, as some super close relationships may not be a good idea with new coworkers. However, bowling together, going out for lunch, or sharing rides are great ways to connect with your new coworkers. When you are true friends with co-workers, that can help ease social anxiety.

6. Be Sure Your Job Doesn’t Define You

The job you have is not an accurate representation of the things you are passionate about. If you put all your energy into your job, but it’s not the career you really want, it’s likely you will develop issues at work that will affect your personal life. Similarly, if this is your chosen career and you put too much of yourself into it, then you can lose some of the excitement and it can start to take a toll emotionally and psychologically.

Regardless of the type of job you have, you need an “eject” button, as it were. This will give you peace of mind at work, and it allows you to keep from being utterly devastated should a good job dry up. Creating some space for yourself outside of work will help keep you sane and motivated. 

Finding Your Rhythm in Your New Occupation

Don’t let any job define who you are, even if you love that job. Build friendships outside the workplace. Explore technological options in anxiety reduction. Be sure you understand the rules of your new workplace, find colleagues you can be friendly with as you work, and get enough rest. This will do wonders to ease workplace anxiety.

This article is a guest blog written by Kyla Stewart. To contribute a guest post to Workast.com, please complete the expression of interest form here.

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