Task Prioritization

Prioritize and Manage Your Task Backlog Efficiently

Use this template

Our Task Prioritization template helps you manage and prioritize your tasks effectively. With dedicated lists for different effort and priority levels, customizable fields for task details, this template ensures a clear and organized workflow.

Benefits of the template


Organizes tasks by effort and priority. Easily see what needs attention first.


Focuses on high-impact tasks. Prioritize tasks that matter most.


Facilitates clear communication and task assignment. Improve team collaboration.


Tracks task progress and workload. Ensure nothing gets overlooked.


Provides valuable insights for decision-making. Customize fields and lists for better task management.

Who is this template for

Ideal for project managers, team leads, and anyone looking to improve task management and prioritization.

How to use the template


Assign effort to each task. Use t-shirt sizes (S, M, L, XL) to indicate the level of effort required, select the option in the column "Effort".


Set task priorities. Use categories Urgent, High, Medium, and Low to prioritize tasks, select the option in the column "Priority".


Organize tasks in each list. Customize the lists to suit your needs or areas of work.


Group tasks by List, Effort or Priority for better visualization.


Sort by Effort or Priority to choose what to work on.

Custom fields

Effort: Use this field to assign t-shirt sizes (S, M, L, XL) to each task.

Priority: Assign a priority level (Critical, High, Medium, Low) to each task based on its importance.

Due Date: Set deadlines for each task to ensure timely completion.

Assigned To: Indicate who is responsible for each task to enhance accountability.

This template provides a structured approach to managing and prioritizing your tasks, making it easier to see what needs to be done and when.

Get started today!

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