Six Different Ways to Speed Up Repetitive Tasks (and Get More Important Work Done)
BySarah Harris
Sarah Harris takes care of the customer support requests at Workast. She is also an avid writer.

Sarah Harris takes care of the customer support requests at Workast. She is also an avid writer.
Companies are driven by productivity to get many things accomplished in their organization. That’s because productivity will not only ensure your customer’s needs are met, but it also means that your business can progress and there will be a brighter future for you and your employees.
Both managers and employees will want to speed up repetitive tasks for the simple reason that performing repetitive tasks can be rather dull.
But more importantly, you can improve efficiency and productivity by quickening tasks and getting more important work done. One way you can do this is by integrating software into your workflow, which lets you save a lot of valuable time to focus on more critical organizational tasks, such as product development. Your employees will have more time to improve themselves as well. If you do not know how to begin, check out the following six different ways in which you can speed up your repetitive tasks.
The more organized you are with the tasks you need to complete, the sooner you will be able to complete them.
Therefore, it is worth first spending time creating a workflow that will help you to speed up your repetitive tasks.
For instance, build your daily tasks into an online calendar, get alerts from your smartphone to remind you which tasks need to be completed urgently, and make sure you have all of the resources and tools required to do a certain task in one place.
By organizing your workflow well, you can avoid all of those moments that end up wasting time, such as looking for the right tools and working out which tasks are the highest priority. With data curation, management, and entry are key to ensuring efficient workflow organization. By properly curating data, businesses can easily access and utilize information, saving time and increasing productivity.
You can optimize your workflow by determining which tasks to complete first and which to delegate. This can save you a lot of time and make use of your team’s skills optimally.
When tasks are standardized, it means you and your team will spend less time completing repetitive tasks and will be able to get other more important work done.
For instance, if you find yourself spending a lot of time formatting document designs, you can eliminate the need to do that when you build templates to create standardization.
So, if you run a law office, you could build a standard template for agreements for new clients rather than creating new legal agreements for each client, for example.
Standardization is about establishing rules for how you and everyone in your company approach specific tasks. Once you do that, you can significantly speed up operations.
Sure, coming up with standardization strategies and building uniform templates will take a lot of upfront work, but the effort will undoubtedly pay off, as you will be able to cut down a lot of time spent on repetitive tasks in the long run. For a quicker start, consider using pre-made templates and tailoring them to your needs. For instance, you could use QuickBooks report templates to streamline accounting.
Using standardization and templates also helps you and your team to avoid wasted back-and-forth communications regarding how to approach specific tasks.
One way to begin this is through observing the work done in your organization. You have to invest time observing how things are accomplished so you can pinpoint precisely how they can be panned out in segments.
Lots of repetitive tasks can be handled via automation tools these days, so adopting automation for some of your IT tasks can undoubtedly help you to speed up operations and have more time to focus on other important areas of your business.
Indeed, according to a study by Salesforce, 74% of IT and engineering leaders said that process automation has enabled their workforces to save between 11% and 30% on the time it previously took to complete manual processes.
So, automation is an important tool that every company’s IT department should leverage.
For repetitive computer tasks, your IT team can write simple programs.
You could also automate time-consuming repetitive tasks like:
Restarting services and applications after a crash or freeze.
Rebooting machines and devices.
Restoring and backing up local files.
Conducting antivirus scans.
Deploying new software.
There is a wide variety of automation tools that you can utilize to significantly speed up repetitive tasks and create greater efficiency and productivity.
Spend some time identifying which tasks you could automate and which tools are available to help you automate those tasks. You will then be able to save a lot of valuable time in the long term.
The goal of automation is not just to speed up task completion but also to accomplish it with a high degree of accuracy. This is very beneficial to any business that would like to eliminate expenses attributed to inaccurate orders and maintain a consistent level of quality.
Speaking of automation, you can further speed up tasks by using an API to link your different apps together.
You can then ensure the seamless operational performance of your applications and web systems.
If you are not aware, an API is a collection of tools, protocols, and definitions that enables communication between applications.
API integration is the process of creating a means for two or more APIs to communicate with one another and share data without the need for human interruption.
So, your company can easily automate systems, enhance data sharing, and integrate your current applications. In turn, you can dramatically speed up tasks and completely eliminate the need for humans to complete some tasks.
You will not want to pass the buck on tasks that need doing, but that does not mean that you cannot delegate to IT staff augmentation company like Tateeda.
Indeed, you could even get multiple employees to complete a task that one person was previously doing. That way, the tasks will not take as long for each person to complete, and that means the workers will be able to perform tasks faster without getting bored or frustrated.
You also have the option of outsourcing repetitive tasks. Whether the task is performing data entry, bookkeeping, or designing templates, the tasks could be completed quicker when you use a professional freelancer.
Just ensure that you weigh the costs to make certain that delegating or outsourcing tasks makes financial sense.
While the proverb “more haste, less speed” is true, it does not mean that you cannot find ways to speed up your actions without being hasty and compromising on accuracy and quality.
So, with any repetitive task that you need to do, reconsider how you go about it. You may simply be able to quicken your pace.
For example, if you need to perform an inspection of workstations, the simple act of walking faster could enable you to get the task done more quickly, or if the task is to input data, you could improve your keyboarding skills to get faster at data entry.
You can actively try to speed up tasks, and use a timer to see what progress you are making. Just make sure the quality and accuracy of your work do not suffer.
With practice and effort, there is no reason why you cannot get quicker at completing tasks without compromising on the end result.